دور التکامل بين أسلوبي التکلفة المستهدفة والتکلفة على أساس النشاط الموجه بالوقت في دعم الميزة التنافسية لسلسلة التوريد الخالية من الفاقد دراسة ميدانية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التجارة - جامعة أسوان


Abstract Successful implementation of modern manufacturing techniques requires integrated managerial accounting Models, as the performance of these Models when they integrate is better than their performance if each model works seberitlly. Therefore, the study aimed to clarify the Integration between Time Driven Activity Based costing model and Target costing and its role in managing the costs in the Egyptian manufacturing companies. To achieve this goal, a case Study was performed on KIMA-Egyption Chemical Industries through the use of this company’s actual data to Implement the Integration between Time Driven Activity Based costing model and Target costing in order to manage the costs. The study concludes that integration between time Driven Activity Based costing model and Target costing . Results in imptove the efectiveness cost management system and reduce the waste cost . Then inhance their competitive advantage of the company .as well as improve the image of these companies in society and reduce the loss of production process

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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