العدالة التوزيعية مفهومها وأوضاعها وسبل تحسينها مع التطبيق على الحالة المصرية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التجارة - جامعة المنصورة


Research Summary This research aimed to play an effective role in the application of information technology governance mechanisms in activating risk management, through reducing risks, due to the positive contribution in reducing electronic financial manipulation, which is one of the most important threats to the protection and security of accounting information, and therefore became an imperative due to the tremendous developments that Occurred in the electronic operating methods of accounting information systems. It is therefore important to identify the role that IT governance - 2 - mechanisms can play in managing the risks that faces organizations from applying and confronting IT and trying to control these risks The research has reached several conclusions including:The implementation of IT governance is a priority for organizations at risk and best practices to ensure compliance with standards. The formalization of IT governance practices is a formal process that is continuously assessed and updated in light of changes. Mechanisms of IT governance with the strategic objectives of the organization. The research recommended the implementation of the mechanisms of information technology governance as a technological control aimed at the periodic examination of risks in organizations, in line with their leading role under governance, the research also recommended the development of information technology governance mechanisms to overcome the technical complexities associated with risks and to ensure continuity in the face of intense competition. Keywords; IT- govern

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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