The effect of reviews credibility on customer’s intention to book the hotel (An applied study on hotels customers in Egypt)

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


جامعة المنصورة


Abstract The present study aimed at determining the impact ofreviews credibility on perceived usefulness of online reviews which affects an attitude toward hotel. Also, it investigates the relationship betweenan attitude toward hotel and intention to book. The study was applied on hotels customers in Egypt. Data were collected from 443 customers using two methods named, systematic sampling (213) and online survey (230). 400 out of 443 questionnaires were valid. A Path analysis was employed to test the research hypotheses through AMOS version 23 programs. The results showed thatreviews credibility 2 positively affect perceived usefulness of online reviews. Furthermore, there is a significant positive effect of perceived usefulness of online reviews on attitude toward hotel. Finally, an attitude toward hotel positively affects intention t

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