المشتقات المالية کمدخل لتسعير تأمين إئتمان الصادرات "دراسة تطبيقية "

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


جامعة المنصورة


Abstract This research aims to re-evaluate the size of the premiums collected by the Egyptian Export Credit Guarantee Company, to know how the premiums suitable or are exaggerated by the company using a pricing model based on derivatives takes into account a collection of factors affecting determining the price all linked with the company's activities when account the risk of financial hardship, which may the company facing when determining the premium. Has been reached their isn't exist productive device of Egyptian Company for Export Credit Guarantee who knowing this type of insurance coverage, which leads to many exporters unknowing this type of insurance in Egypt. And also there is a large increase in the volume of premiums collected by the Egyptian Export Credit Guarantee Company. So it on the Egyptian Export Credit Guarantee Company develop a comprehensive and fair pricing system that means account factors that affect the degree of risk for each importer so that it can calculate the fair price and adequate for him.

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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