نموذج کمي لمعالجة معوقات الاکتتاب في تأمين أخطار العنف السياسي

(1) GeorgE . Rejda " principles of Risk management and insurance " , Seven th Ed. , Addison . wesly , London , 2000 .
(2(Horst Behncke, “Insurance Mathematics A European Model”,University of osnabruck,2000.
(3) Hosskak, B.J, H. Pollard, “introductory statistics with applications in general insurance”, London, Cambridge Univ. press, 1999.
(4) Martin Slann, "Violence and Terrorism", Fifth Ed., Dushkin, McGraw – Hill, 2000.
(5) Merran Evans ,and Nicholas Hastings ,”Statistical Distributions ‘,New Yourk,2000.
(6) Michael P. and jennifer L.,”Firearm Violence,1993-2011”,U.S.Department, Office of Justice programs,2013.
(5) Wardlaw, G., "political terrorism, theory tactics and counter measures", Cambridge Univ., Press 1&2.,2004.
(B) Periodicals:
(2) Aurelia Zanetti،" Terrorist and insurance" Swiss Re. Co., 20 Dec. 2001.
(3) Brunos. Frey and Simon Luechinger, "The economic consequences of Global terrorism", Univ. of Zurich, 2002.
(4) BlWebel,” Terrorism Risk Insurance", Issue Analysis and overview of current program,Congressional Research Service,2014.
(5) David Clarke ،“ Technology and Terrorism “ ، Transaction publishers ،new Brunswick ، 2004.
(6) Han-Shiang Lau, “An effective Approach for estimating the aggregate loss of an insurance portfolio,The Journal of Risk and insurance, Vol.1, Sept 1984.
(7) Hubbard, Glenn and Deal, Bruce “The Economic Effects of Federal Participation in Terrorism Risk.” Analysis Group. September 14 , 2004.
(8) Howard K. and Erwann M.,”Insurability of Terrorism Risk", Organization for Economic Co-operation and development,Paris,2004.
(9) Howard and Heal, Geoffrey “Interdependent Security.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. 26:2/3, pp. 231-249, 2003.
(10) Jaffee, Dwight and Russell, Thomas “Market Under Stress: The Case of Extreme Event Insurance” in Richard Arnott, Bruce World: Essays in Honor of Joseph E. Stiglitz. MIT Press., 2003.
(11) Robert P. Hortwig, "The Fate of TRTA: Is Terrorism an Insurance Association?" New York insurance Association (annual ' conference) Saratoga springs, June 3,2004.
(12) Kyle Brandon &Frank A. Fernandez ," terrorism risk insurance market", Securities industry Association , Vol.v,No.1 ,2004.
(13) Michael A.Bean,”Probability The science of uncertainty with Applications to Investment, Insurance,and Engineering’,Ph.D,FSA,University of Western ontario,2002.
( c) The Reports :
(1) The marsh Report :Terrorism Risk Insurance, March , 2010.
(2) Insurance information institute ,”Terrorism Risk and Insurance”,2004.
(3) National Journal Membership,"Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Set to Expire in 2014.
(4) Marsh &McLennan Companies ,”Terrorism Risk Insurance”,2013.
(5) TRIA Extension Update ,Aon Benfield Terrorism practice Group,2010
(6) Impacts for Property /Casualty Insurers :Terrorism Risk-Areemergent Threat ,2010.