العلاقة بين التزام العميل و قيمة العلامة "دراسة تطبيقية على عملاء البنوک التجارية في مصر"

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التجارة - جامعة المنصورة


This study is investigate the impact of relationship between customer commitment and brand equity, applied to customers of commercial banks in Egypt.
An analytical model is developed as a guideline to test the relationship between customer commitment and brand equity. A quantitative method with deductive approach were chosen in this research. In order to collect primary data, a questionnaire is designed and data have been collected from customers of commercial banks (Banque misr, National bank of Egypt, Banque du caire, Alex bank, QNB, CIB, HSBC) in five Governorate (Cairo, Alexandria, Dakahlia, Ismailia and Assiout). The SPSS is used to process the primary data. Sample size is 384, and the valid questionnaires are 296 (77.1% of sample size).
The results of statistical analysis showed that customer commitment is positively related to brand equity. Also, it shows that customer commitment has a positive effect on brand equity.

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