العلاقة بين أبعاد رأس المال النفسي و سلوکيات المواطنة التنظيمية بالتطبيق على العاملين بالشرکات الصناعية التابعة لقطاع الأعمال العام بالدقهلية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التجارة - جامعة المنصورة


This study examined the relationship between psychological capital dimensions and organizational citizenship behavior dimensions, and the influence of psychological capital on the dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior Applied to The Employees in Industrial Public Sector Companies at Dakahlia Governorate.
This study find that there is a significant positive impact for some psychological capital (psy cap) dimensions: hope, resilience, self-efficacy on altruism, also the study found that there are significant positive impact for some (psy. Cap.) dimensions: hope and resilience on courtesy. And find there is the impact of all psy cap dimensions on the sportsmanship. Also the study find there is the impact for some psy cap dimensions: hope and resilience on the Conscientiousness. Also find the impact of some (psy cap) dimensions: self-efficacy, hope and resilience on the civic virtue.

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