تعزيز دور الاستثمار الخاص و المشارکة المجتمعية في تمويل المشروعات البيئية

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التجارة - جامعة المنصورة


Environmental projects constitute an important component in sustainable and green;
low-carbon development approaches. No doubt that the fulfillment of environmental
projects and conditions requires a huge volume of investment, which imposes high
burdens on the policy makers in different countries. In the case of Egypt, financing
environmental projects is a great matter of concern, because of the huge budget deficit,
which let the government unable to fulfill the required projects. Accordance to this fact,
this paper tries to investigate the private investment role in financing the mentioned
projects; which is proposed to be a great and substantial role. The paper will explore the
different types of private investment in environmental projects, and the innovative tools
designed for it, such as environmental bonds. The paper will also investigate the role of
community participation and civil society organizations in providing a part of the
required finance, and in enhancing solidarity and interaction between the sources of
public and private finance in order to fulfill some of the environmental projects.

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