The effect of perceived organization support on continuous learning for academic staff in Mansoura and Kafr Elsheikh University

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 Mansoura University

2 -Mansoura University

3 Horus University-Egypt


     This study aims to investigate the direct impact of perceived organization support on continuous learning for Mansoura university and Kafr Elsheikh university academic staff. This study adopts post positivism philosophy and quantitative research method. Data were collected from 357 academic staff in Mansoura and Kafr Elsheikh university using questionnaire (50% response rate). Path analysis is employed to test the research hypotheses using Warp PLS 0.7 .The results have proved that perceived organization support (adjusted POS and financial POS) is positively related to continuous learning.Unexpectaly, career POS has no a significant affect on continuous learning. 

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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