استخدام مصفوفة نشر وظيفة الجودة في ادارة تکلفة الجودة "دراسة تطبيقية"

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التجارة - جامعة المنصورة


This study aims to present a proposal to the entrance of the cost management using a matrix publish job quality, through ducks among some management tools cost quality (target cost, value engineering, functional analysis) and matrices of quality in order to increase the effectiveness of the cost of quality management application on one of the industrial installations, this study has gained significance through coordination among the tools the cost of quality management, and matrix publish job quality (QFD) in the generation of value for the client, and try to offer a new concept of quality management cost of the customer's perspective by applying QFD, the study found most important results of the weakness of established the exact client requirements and expectations, as well as the weakness of established interest Btrz modern designs led to the orientation of customers to
foreign products due to the non-arrival of established products to the level of quality required in the competitive market, the study recommends the need for adequate attention to customer requirements, reference and comparison to competitors by adopting an application matrix deployment job quality as a way by which the cost of quality from the customer's perspective administration, and activating the role of design activity and Walttaiwir and computerization in the design process and utilization of electronic information systems to learn about the modern and sophisticated designs that meet the needs of customers .

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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